How does my website get a high rank in Google

There are few techniques to get your website high rank in Google. Here are the few lists which you can try to rank high on the Google
  • Google Loves Unique Content: Google loves unique content, the better and unique content you write the better chance your content and your site will go high.
  • Off-page Optimization-: SEO experts generally agree that off-page link building techniques can contribute around 80% of the value in any SEO campaign.
  • Back Links: A link, or back-link, is the link that you use to be brought to another page. Backlinks are unbelievably important because they are basically like “votes” for your page that tell search engines that other web pages like and utilise your page for information.
  • Competitor analysis: Begin your link building campaign with a competitor analysis. On the whole, you want to repeat what your best competitors are doing, as one of the key link building principles is to match and exceed your competitor.


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